It’s Joever
As I’m sure you’ve heard by now, former President Donald Trump was shot at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania. This event is certainly going to trigger all sorts of emotions from everyone. I wanted to share some thoughts I have on where this leaves the Biden and Trump campaigns and the impact this will have.
In my previous post, I discussed Biden’s abysmal debate performance but I stopped at calling him to drop out of the race. The way I saw it, Trump couldn’t win even against Joe Biden and all of his cognitive deficiencies. The Donald Trump assassination attempt which occurred today certainly changes my views on Joe Biden’s path to a second term in the White House. In my mind, he needs to drop out tomorrow or Monday at the very latest in hopes of completely changing the media narrative.
The crux of Biden’s problem is that this race has been defined by the media as one orange man who spews dangerous and violent rhetoric verses an old man that has dementia. Biden has been portrayed as weak and feeble by the media and the American public is eating it up. The evidence is right in front of our eyes anytime they put Biden in front of a microphone. Contrast the image of forgetful Joe Biden with the images of Donald Trump taking a bullet to the ear and reacting by giving the crowd angry fist pumps while blood runs down his face. The optics are awful for the Biden campaign and it’s in our country’s best interest for Biden to throw in the towel and let someone else take on Trump. We all know Trump is a raging lunatic, but you cannot deny the photographs and video coming out of that campaign stop in Pennsylvania are making him look quite strong and stoic, playing back into the media narrative. The fact of the matter is that the Democratic Party and the Biden campaign have completely failed when it comes to controlling the media narrative.
As for the shooter, what a complete and total loser. Violence has no place in anything, especially politics. If your ideas can’t win on their own merit and you have to resort to violence then your ideas simply suck. Resorting to violence is ultimately letting the other side win. The shooter completely flipped this race on its head and helped Trump in the process. As previously mentioned, the images coming out of the assassination attempt make Trump look like an absolute legend, no way around it.
Ultimately, Joe Biden was probably the best (and most liberal) president of my life time. And it’s most likely due to the fact that his wife and cabinet are running the show. You cannot convince me Biden has the cognitive ability to perform the day-to-day duties of the highest position in the federal government. Regardless, I appreciate his service to this country and beating Trump in 2020. I just don’t think he has what it takes to do it again. Folks, we are living through very stupid times. However, its still July and we have a long way to go until November.